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When Does Nmh Travis Strikes Again Take Place

Time to trounce the Death Drive.

Travis Touchdown: Hold it! I've been away a long time. In that location's a new generation of gamers out there! Permit me at least introduce myself—
Bad Man: TRAVIS TOUCHDOWN! Yous murdered my girl! Don't pretend you've forgotten!
Travis: At present quit making this shit confusing! They need to know virtually the about badass assassinator in video games!
Bad Human: Yous Bastard!!! Quit trying to butter upwardly the gamers! Your fight is here in the real world! SON OF A BITCH!!!

Travis Strikes Once again: No More Heroes is the third entry of the No More than Heroes series, developed past Grasshopper Manufacture equally usual and released on the Nintendo Switch on January xviii, 2019, with ports for Playstation 4 and PC via Steam coming at a subsequently appointment. Notably, it is existence directed by Suda51, whose last directed game was the original No More than Heroes over 10 years prior, and includes collaborations with various indie developers in the grade of licensed in-game T-shirts. Despite taking place and standing the story after the first two games, Travis Strikes Once more is not No More Heroes Iii, and is instead a smaller-scale game that tells a somewhat different story.

Seven years after the events of Drastic Struggle, a ghost from the past returns to hunt down retired assassin Travis Touchdown: Bad Man, the bat-toting, beer-chugging begetter of Bad Girl, who's out for a personal vendetta against Travis for murdering his girl. Tracking downwards Travis to an RV in the eye of nowhere, Texas, he attempts to kill him, but Travis gets the one-up on him and the two disharmonism. In the midst of the fight, a mysterious "phantom" game console known equally the "Death Drive Mk. Ii" in Travis' possession activates, transporting the two of them within. According to an urban legend, collecting (and beating) the console'due south six games, stored in middle-shaped cartridges called "death balls," will grant the owner a wish, enticing Bad Man to attempt to complete Travis' collection with him (and play through the games in the virtual world of the console) to use that wish to bring Bad Girl dorsum to life.

The game is divided between the Death Drive games themselves, which play out as action gameplay with optional co-op, and adventure-game Visual Novel blazon chapters which bear witness how Travis and Jeane acquire the Death Assurance in the real earth.

This game contains examples of:

  • All There in the Manual: You can complete the game without reading K's faxes or any of the bonus ones he sends if yous find Hidden Characters in the levels, only you won't have the total context for what happens in the catastrophe or a key slice of information nigh what you're really killing for most of the terminal stage. The magazine manufactures requite extra backstory for the in-universe game worlds as well.
  • And the Chance Continues: The game ends with both Travis rediscovering his love for risk (and, of grade, mortality), and accidentally reigniting his enmity with Bad Man.

    Bad Human being: Did you just telephone call Charlotte a "fuckin' mutt"…? Yous merely signed your death warrant. I'g gonna kill you!

  • And Your Reward Is Dress: Per serial tradition, Travis will be able to collect a diverseness of unlike T-shirts, with many of them this time based on real-life indie games.
  • Arc Number: 7. It's the number on Badman'due south default T-shirt from his baseball game days, there's a vague 7 shape on Travis' new jacket, 7 years have passed since the events of the last game, there are seven Death Ball levels in all, Garcia Hotspur was killed after existence shot by seven holy bullets, and Dan Smith from Killer7 appears in the 2d intro cinematic added via the "Solar day 7 Patch".
  • Artifact of Doom: The Decease Drive Mk.II, along with its previous incarnation, the Death Drive AAA, were co-opted by the CIA for the purpose of making a Clone Army by gathering biometric data through the Mk.Ii'southward controllers and 3D-press supersoldiers that could be controlled through the AAA. Klark and Dr. Juvenile filled the Mk.2 full of bugs and scattered the Expiry Balls to thwart the CIA. By collecting the Death Balls and clearing the games, Travis would potentially be an Unwitting Instigator of Doom as he would essentially debug the Mk.Two, reactivate the AAA, and allow the CIA to create its clone ground forces.
  • Art Shift: Every Death Bulldoze game opening scene has a different art manner, including PS1-manner C Gs, vector-esque graphics and live-activity video segments, with some elements of these carrying over into the games themselves.
    • Other examples include monochrome green and pseudo-CODEC-manner interface for the "Travis Strikes Dorsum" segments, and minimalist pixel art for the scene on Mars in the epilogue.
  • Babies Ever Subsequently: Travis off-manus mentions having a child and a wife that he had left behind so they wouldn't get continually threatened past the assassins coming for him. This is more fully addressed in the second DLC. Turns out he had two kids with Sylvia: one beingness his daughter Jeane, the girl who appeared in The Stinger of the first game, and the other existence his son Hunter.
  • Back from the Expressionless: Bad Human being plans to use the Death Drive Mk. Ii's fabulous wish-granting powers to resurrect his daughter. Information technology actually works...sort of. Due to the fact that one of the Balls (the fake Killer Marathon ball) is basically a dud, she comes dorsum in the form of Bad Dog (or "Bad Daughter Canis familiaris", as labelled in the credits), a puppy with the attitude of an infantile Bad Girl. It's played straight in the second DLC—though she retains her regressed personality as Bad Dog—with Travis Lampshading the whole thing and wondering near what will happen at present that Bad Girl is dorsum.
  • Bittersweet Ending: While the game ends with Travis' conclusion to unretire and take on the next wave of assassins, he'south no less remorseful near killing Dr. Juvenile, who he finally realizes has been forced to coffin her frustration and grief over very lilliputian going her style, and being taken advantage of. Information technology specially gets to Travis as due to him getting to live out the video games she's designed, he experiences immediate how much she poured all of her thoughts and emotions into every title, and praised her as a genius.
    • For the DLC: After immigration the finished version of Killer Marathon, Badman is finally able to properly wish Charlotte back to life (after the previous attempt ended in her coming dorsum as a dog). Unfortunately, it had been so long since they had seen each other that they are both no longer recognizable as father and daughter: then much had happened since they were together, Shigeki Birkin is at present Badman, and Charlotte Birkin is now Bad Girl, both psychotic assassins. As such, the two agree that it's time they parted ways. "No I love you's, no hugs." Still, Badman is happy to have been able to run across his daughter alive once more.
  • Boring, but Practical: The 00 Skill Scrap gives either character admission to a dash movement. It doesn't exercise any harm or expand the offensive toolkit, merely its low cooldown time makes for a handy evasive maneuver and a style to make timed puzzles much easier.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall:
    • In the reveal trailer, Travis personally introduces himself to the audition as the consequence of his long absence. Bad Man also literally breaks the quaternary wall, likewise known as one of the lenses in Travis' glasses.

      Travis: (recoiling) Dainty work, dickhead!

    • The demos shown at various gaming events all take the characters talking about the effect the game is beingness shown at.
    • As usual, the game itself has virtually No Fourth Wall.
  • Breather Episode: Overall, compared to prior games, this one leaves out Santa Destroy and the ranking fights entirely and centers on a much more than personal conflict about Travis and Bad Human being forced into an Odd Couple situation, equally they deal with a cursed video game console.
  • Brick Joke: When playing as Badman and entering Damned: Night Knight, the sequel to Shadows of the Damned, he volition annotate during a conversation with Bugxtra that his daughter was obsessed with the original game and its protagonist. After unlocking Bad Daughter, if you go back to the game as her she incredulously asks what Shadows of the Damned is, with her lack of recognition probable beingness a result of her infantile regression.
  • Broken Pedestal: Played With. From hearing nigh the plights of Dr. Juvenile, both cocky-inflicted and out of her command, Travis' rosy view of how "fun" making video games must be is quashed. On the other hand, Travis gains a newfound respect for the developers themselves in the process.
  • Vicious Bonus Level: The existent Killer Marathon Decease Ball, which only exists in the postgame in DLC. It'due south a significant step-up in difficulty from the unabridged rest of the game.
  • The Charabanc Came Back:
    • Meta-example — Travis Strikes Once again marks Suda51'due south render to the director'southward chair since No More Heroes, a fourth dimension gap of more than than ten years. note No More Heroes was released first in Nippon on December 6, 2007.
      • Similarly, Michael J. Gough reprises his office as Dan Smith xiv years subsequently the release of Killer7.
    • The epilogue of the offset No More Heroes teased a new grapheme (a child named Jeane) and the prospect of their existence beingness addressed in the sequel, simply NMH 2: Drastic Struggle completely ignored this point. In the TSA DLC postgame, this is finally addressed, after ten years.
    • Shigeki Birkin was a character who simply appeared in a Killer7 spin-off story that was left unfinished. He finally returns as Badman.
  • Came Dorsum Incorrect: The attempt to bring back Bad Girl in the chief game goes this style, thanks to one of the Death Assurance coming from an incomplete game. The 2d DLC addresses this, with Travis going through a completed version of said game, leading Bad Girl to come dorsum as her old cocky, admitting with the infantile personality from her get-go resurrection still intact.
  • The Cameo: Various characters from other works; run across also Catechism Welding.
  • Canon Welding: Various characters and plot points from numerous other Grasshopper games appear in this one, including The Silver Case and its sequels, Killer7, Let It Die, Killer is Expressionless and others.
  • Character Customization: Travis, Badman, Shinobu and Bad Girl can exist equipped with fries (some of which are exclusive to a certain character) that grant them unlike abilities in combat, although none of them can have the same bit active simultaneously. All four of them can besides be leveled up by defeating enemies, although the puddle of EXP they exercise this from is shared.
  • Co-Op Multiplayer: A second player tin have control of Badman (or other unlockable characters in DLC) and join the get-go actor (Travis) on their violent romp through the game.
  • Cutting the Knot: In the outset "Travis Strikes Back" scenario, Travis and Uehara go far at a convenience store, where the Death Ball lies in look at the stop of a complex maze. Players of The 25th Ward will likely groan at the prospect of dealing with that puzzle for a quaternary time...until Travis suggests that they just dial in a crook lawmaking. Uehara does so, and they get the Decease Ball without the hassle of the maze!

    Travis: Bitchin'!

  • Denser and Wackier: By no means is this game tamer than previous No More Heroes titles, but it's certainly less gory due to the enemies here existence corrupted data bugs rather than flesh and blood humans. The bosses are even dispatched in less trigger-happy ways, simply being subjected to a unmarried wrestling move rather than the over-the-top finishers seen previously. It does all the same amp upwards more ludicrous humor.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: Dr. Juvenile had dream visions of Shadows of the Damned, which is how she was able to make a sequel to it near two decades before it came out.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Dr. Juvenile's struggles with game development directly parallel Suda51's, with certain games having very explicit parallels with his works. The Travis Strikes Back segments are filled with direct sendups to his visual novel games, while the Obvious Beta nature of the afterwards games aligns with Suda'due south struggles with game development in recent years. This comes to a head in the Serious Moonlight level, which many critics theorize is a way for Suda to come up to terms with the infamous level of Executive Meddling that Shadows of the Damned got from its publisher EA.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Much similar the case of Skelter Helter and Jasper Batt Jr. in the previous game, there are people connected to the people that Travis has killed and their relatives are probable to exist pissed most it — in this example, Bad Man.
  • Expy: Argent Confront of Killer Marathon is one of Garcian Smith from Killer7. Both are non quite the badasses that their corresponding games initially brand them out to be: Garcian prefers to permit the other personae of the Smith Syndicate kill, since he himself would "never hurt a fly"; and Silver Confront is actually very overnice and averse to physical exertion.
  • Fictional Video Game: Travis and Bad Man fight their mode through seven different video games:
    • Electric Thunder Tiger Two, a cyberpunk-styled activeness game, and a sequel to Travis's favorite arcade game from his childhood.
    • Life Is Destroy, a puzzle game taking place in a developing residential expanse with the players pursuing a series murderer.
    • Coffee & Doughnuts, a mail service-apocalyptic side-scroller, where players progress by collecting coffee and doughnuts for the game'due south protagonist.
    • Gilded Dragon GP, which is two games in one: an action game where players clean up a Japanese-style hotel, and a elevate-racing game which is rendered in vector graphics.
    • Killer Marathon, which contains within it the original Death Bulldoze, a shooter not unlike Asteroids. This Killer Marathon ball is unfinished and thus extremely brusque. Later in the DLC (or post-game content in the PC version which includes all the DLC) a finished version is establish, and it's quite Exactly What Information technology Says on the Can... except for its actually being a pinball game.
    • Serious Moonlight: Originally conceived equally an open up-world action-RPG, but due to the game's troubled production and Dr. Juvenile not being able to develop the game every bit she initially intended, the name was changed to Damned: Dark Knight. Travis is surprised to learn that information technology is a sequel to Shadows of the Damned, starring Johnson as the protagonist.
    • The final Expiry Brawl is CIA. It's not really a game, but a backdoor into the actual Primal Intelligence Agency headquarters, where Dr. Juvenile and the Decease Bulldoze AAA await. The CIA agents appearing as Bugs is a result of the Death Drive Mk.Ii Heed Screwing the histrion's observation; the agents' bodies announced afterward in the hallways as pixelated sprites of dead Russian gangsters from Hotline Miami.
  • Concluding Boss: In the demo, Travis immediately assumes that Dr. Juvenile, who created the Expiry Drive MK II, will exist the final boss of the game. Turns out he was correct, though the verbal context backside the fight is much more complicated. This is subverted with the existence of the second DLC, which is technically the decision of the story, as Silver Face up becomes the final opponent Travis faces. Silver Face's rage over beingness relegated to DLC ends up turning him into the hardest dominate in the game.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • In the trailer hub, Badman sometimes drunkenly mutters about how getting "sucked" into a video game sounds like nonsense to him in spite of the fact that it seems to happen to him and Travis every time they use a Death Ball. Information technology turns out that the panel actually employs a form of Brain Uploading through the Death Gloves that shunts the minds of its players into the heads of digital avatars of themselves.
    • At the ramen stalls in every level, Travis and Badman will say "Itadakimasu" before eating. Note how the pronunciation of the discussion differs between the two of them- Travis says it like "ita-daki-masu", while Badman says "ita-daki-mahss", which is really the right mode to say the word. This hints at his Japanese heritage.
    • Exploited in a fourth wall pause in the Bubblegum Fatale DLC when Travis is suddenly approached past two aliens named Mr. Wormhole and Mr. Blackhole, who have arrived on Earth to have it over, making mention of a "prince" in the process. Shinobu interprets the introduction of the new characters as "foreshadowing for the adjacent game". Sure enough, No More Heroes III features an alien invasion by none other than said conflicting prince.
    • When yous input the cheat codes to obtain G's faxes or trigger various in-game effects, a pocket-size 8-chip sprite of a cowgirl appears. The Travis Strikes Back postgame segment in the DLC reveals that this is really Sylvia.
  • Franchise Killer: Discussed In-Universe during the second sequence of "Travis Strikes Back". Jeane tells Travis how players would be upset over the visual novel segments when they were expecting an action game, only for Travis to say he doesn't care about how they feel. In response, Jeane tells Travis to expect the game to bomb and never come across an bodily 3rd game. Though of grade, No More than Heroes Three is still happening.
  • Gainax Catastrophe: At the finish of the game, Travis kills several CIA agents, slays Dr. Juvenile, ends up on Mars, meets John Winters, shares some Martian coffee with him, and so gets his head chopped off before being sent back to reality.
  • Costless Japanese: Travis will say "Itadakimasu" so "Gochisosama deshita" before and after eating at a ramen stand up. Not exactly unheard-of beliefs for an Occidental Otaku of his generation. Badman also speaks in Japanese when eating ramen, although information technology's Justified in his example, since he actually is Japanese (and his accent is more fluent than Travis's).
  • Hailfire Peaks: Killer Marathon, the drifting sports murder championship, is essentially the game's version of this, equally information technology sees you going from a shopping middle, to a wild western setting, to space, to a coral reef, and finally returning to the big city. This is considering the game is really a composite of multiple pinball tables.
  • Healing Checkpoint: Toilets, this series's traditional salve points, now as well fully restore health.
  • Horrifying the Horror: Downplayed; the playable assassins are disturbed and/or disgusted past Mr. Doppelganger (his exaggerated video game cocky, at least).
  • I Know Madden Kombat: Badman was once a legitimate and promising professional baseball player until he was kicked out of the leagues for drunken misconduct during games. With few other skills apart from existence able to slug things with a baseball game bat, he became an assassinator shortly after his forced retirement, though "Badman Strikes Back" takes time to cover his employment with the mafia as he transitioned from 1 into the other.
  • Like Father, Like Daughter: Bad Daughter'south father fights much like his daughter; with a baseball bat and plenty of beer on hand. He even re-anacts some of her animations. This actually leads to Badman and Bad Girl deciding to office ways after the latter is properly wished back to life. After all, Badman never taught Charlotte to be an assassinator, and Charlotte never knew that her dad was condign a psychotic assassinator, so each had become almost unrecognizable to the other.
  • Logo Joke: The Grasshoper Industry image switches out the usual caput on the logo for Travis'.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: Bad Man is a drunkard-off-his-rocker assassin wearing a leather mask. Justified according to Badman Strikes Back, as his confront is manifestly severely damaged and requires the mask to keep it in place, like a servant for kleptomaniacal teeth.
  • Meaningful Name: The Death Drive game console is likely a reference to Freud's psychoanalytical theory of the "death drive," which describes humans' natural compulsion to destroy other things and themselves. Fits in well with Travis' life as an assassinator, and the Death Seeker tendencies of much of the game's cast.
  • The Most Dangerous Video Game: K claims that even playing the Death Drive MK. Two could give the player fatal brain damage and that perishing in the game world could take lethal consequences. He's really lying in an attempt to dissuade Badman and Travis from playing further. Although this doesn't mean the console is harmless by whatever stretch of the imagination.
  • No Fourth Wall:
    • In series tradition. Every bit the fight with Bad Man and Travis starts, Travis notes that it'south been a while since he's been in a game, and notes that Bad Man is probably confusing the audience. Bad Man gets angry at how little Travis is taking him seriously, and tells him to knock it off with the audience pandering.
    • In the game itself it gets to the point where concepts like localization costs, metacritic score, how many players will really bother to play the DLC, the impending development of No More Heroes III, etc. are all openly discussed.
    • Early on, Travis addresses the player'southward possible accusation of him ripping his quaternary-wall breaking affinity off of "Deadpole or whatever" by claiming that he did information technology first.
  • Oddball in the Serial: The game's gameplay is congenital from the ground up as a new kind of lower budget Hack and Slash format rather than beingness in the style of the other games, and the story is focused on in-universe video games rather than whatsoever sort of real killing (though don't fault that for the story not being every bit serious).
  • Previous Player-Character Cameo:
    • The Kamui Uehara who appears in this game is specifically the protagonist Uehara from Grasshopper's immediately previous release, the remake of The 25th Ward.
    • Mondo Zappa briefly appears afterwards killing Count Dracula, giving a Expiry Ball to Travis before telling him to get out. Later on, a girl named Juliet who claims to have abased her past appears in a chapter called Hell's Chainsaw.
    • Nigel MacAllister, the owner of the Texas Bronco donut concatenation who gives Travis his third Death Ball is the same MacAllister featured in the Kinect-simply game Diabolical Pitch.
    • Dan Smith shows up in the intro added in the Solar day 7 patch, 2 months between the release of Travis Strikes Again and the Killer 7 Hd remaster.
    • Serious Moonlight is a Stealth Sequel of Shadows of the Damned. Its intro shows its protagonist, Garcia Hotspur, dying at the hands of an assassin, with his companion, Johnson, becoming the new hero, "8 Hearts".
  • Power-Up Food: In-game ramen stands provide Travis and Bad Man with a quick health make full-upwards. Unlike the toilet savepoints, they can only exist interacted with once, simply they practise refill the energy meter and reset the cooldown for any skills every bit a tradeoff.
  • Product Placement: The game openly advertises the Unreal Engine used in its development on numerous places including shirts and collectable items. Several collectible T-shirts feature images from various games, including (but non limited to) Hotline Miami, Galak-Z: The Dimensional, Jet Set Radio, and Undertale.
  • Punny Proper noun: A number of the Bugs are named after various popular culture icons such as the Backstreet Boys and Mark Zuckerberg amongst others.
  • Imperial Is Powerful: Travis has changed in his ruddy jacket for a imperial one.
  • Retreaux: The hazard segments look as though they came out of an former Apple II calculator game.
  • Sequel Gap: invokedTravis lampshades that due to the gap between both games' release, not everyone in the audience would know who he is, what's going on, or how information technology came to this.
  • Sequel: The Original Title: invokedTake note of how small the series' logo is in comparison to the new subtitle. This was a deliberate option in lieu of calling it "No More Heroes three", accounting for the nine-yr long Sequel Gap and making it feel more than similar a newcomer-friendly, self-contained chance.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The logo has a very like font to Stranger Things.
    • The "Death Drive Mk. II" is an in-universe predecessor to the Death Bulldoze 128 from Allow Information technology Dice, and its mysterious nature and backstory is inspired by Polybius.
    • Travis'southward Television set screen is shown playing Hotline Miami. Fitting for an ultraviolent assassin. The Carl Mask (a.k.a. the locust mask) appearing in the trailer is likely a reference to Grasshopper Manufacture. After this turns into a pseudo-crossover.
    • The goal of the game is to collect half dozen video games (chosen "Expiry Balls"), where collecting all 6 will summon a huge tiger god to grant the collector's wish.
    • Travis' Unreal Engine shirt alludes to the British Phonographic Industry's 1980s "Home Taping Is Killing Music" anti-piracy ad campaign.
    • When Travis enters a game world, he appears in a sphere of electrical light like to a Terminator.
    • The Death Drive's boot-up screen features the console'southward name existence chimed in a like style to the famous "SEGA!" cheer from the original Sonic the Hedgehog games.
    • On the back of Travis's jacket is "Center of the Tiger" transliterated into katakana.
    • During one of the visual novel segments, Travis enlists a horse named Epona to find one of the Death Balls.
    • A large number of the Skill Chips are named later Gundams. Some of the skills themselves further reference their namesake Mobile Suits, such as F91 Fleck creating clones to distract enemies and Shining Scrap "grabbing" its target.
      • The upgrade parts in Gold Dragon GP are named Gearbox Z, Gearbox ZZ, and Gearbox v (the Greek letter Nu).
      • The finished version of Killer Marathon riffs on the series's iconic Colony Drop scenes.
    • Mr. Doppelganger announces the phase changes in his boss battle with "Modify! Doppel 2!" and "Change! Doppel three!", similar the Getter Robo team.
    • The animation that plays when Travis acquires a Skill Chip from immigration a game is parody of the detail-go pose from The Fable of Zelda, complete with a soundalike jingle. Collecting a Skill Chip while exploring the games presents a small eight-flake Travis sprite in the way of the original NES game holding up the Chip.
    • One of the visual novel segments features a visitor named Texas Bronco, a nod to Andrei Ulmeyda's t-shirt from Killer7.
  • A Sinister Inkling: The Death Drive Mk. II'southward controllers are ii left easily.
  • Stealth Sequel: Although it's obviously a No More than Heroes game, less obvious is the fact that i of the characters, Kamui Uehara, is making an appearance that straight follows one of the endings to The 25th Ward. The 4th affiliate of Travis Strikes Back sees Travis visiting the setting of the game and meeting numerous characters.
    • Serious Moonlight is actually one to Shadows of the Damned, revealing its true name and nature upon being booted up.
    • The new intro cinematic added with the '24-hour interval 7' patch makes the game one to an quondam Japanese-simply Killer7 spin-off novel, of all things.
  • The Stinger: Once the (2d) credits finish rolling, the player is thrown in a prototype area in a third person perspective and a slightly modified command scheme. Interacting with a dummy model has Travis pause the fourth wall one last time to hint at the existence of No More than Heroes III. Further exaggerated if you take the DLC, which includes substantial actress chapters even later on that stinger.
  • Stopped Numbering Sequels: invokedTravis lampshades the effects of Continuity Lock-Out, which is partially why this game is titled the fashion it is rather than No More Heroes 3.
  • Stylistic Suck: The Death Drive Mk.2 splash screen and introductory movies for most of the games wait like they have tracking errors. The intro to Life is Destroy harkens to the Narmy live-activity FMVs of early on CD-ROM games, while the intro for Coffee & Doughnuts looks similar information technology comes from a deal-bin PS1 game. Inside the games proper, visual glitches abound, and the enemies that you lot fight are referred to equally "Bugs".
  • Suddenly Voiced: Uehara talks with Travis in this game, but in The 25th Ward he was almost entirely silent, even in the catastrophe that leads into this game.
    • Jeane also inexplicably speaks after spending the final two games only being a normal house cat. Several characters are suitably freaked out by this.
  • Have That!:
    • The reveal trailer pulls a few fast ones on video gamers, gaming companies, and the game itself.
    • When ad the game'due south use of Unreal Engine, it sarcastically calls it "noble and pedigreed."
    • A villain in the 5th Travis Strikes Back segment is an evil CEO with the last proper name "Riccitiello"; John Riccitiello was CEO of Electronic Arts when Suda was developing Shadows of the Damned. Travis ends upwards beating him to a pulp.
    • The entire Serious Moonlight/Damned: Demon Knight is a huge one to EA and their meddling with Shadows of the Damned, right upwards to the inverse in what blazon of game information technology was supposed to exist and the entire phase beingness even more glitched out than usual due to the somewhat buggy nature of some sections of the game, including pop-in.
  • Teeth Clenched Team Piece of work: How the Co-Op Multiplayer works in-universe since Bad Man is the 2d player graphic symbol. While players can't damage each other, they can still attack 1 another or brand their partner the target of their Skill Fries.
  • Through the Eyes of Madness: Through his faxes, Chiliad warns that the Expiry Bulldoze Mk. 2 is designed to gradually tweak the minds of players then that they tin can be influenced to run into people in existent-life opponents as digital Bugs that you can slay without remorse equally a means of curbing the PTSD and guilt soldiers experience from killing humans. During the final level, Travis and Bad Man are manipulated into slaughtering hundreds of CIA operatives because they see them as a Bug army that Dr. Juvenile summoned from the game world.
  • Timed Mission: Virtually of the levels in the finished version of Killer Marathon tasks players with reaching a checkpoint within a strict time limit. Running out of fourth dimension forces yous dorsum to the last toilet yous saved at.
  • Tom the Dark Lord: Serious Moonlight begins with Garcia Hotspur being hunted down and defeated by Fleming's gun-totting son, Alfred.
  • Top-Downward View: Nearly levels uses an overhead view perspective.
  • Trapped in TV Land: Travis and Bad Man, initially. Afterward the first game, they are gratuitous to travel between the Expiry Drive and reality, but continue to render to information technology.
  • Hugger-mugger Monkey: Dr. Juvenile corrupted the Decease Ball games with the Bugs to prevent players from completing them. Equally a event, they tend not to mesh with the settings very well.
  • Unexpected Gameplay Change: Y'all unlock Decease Balls by going through segments based on visual novels, and Golden Dragon Grand Prix is a racing minigame. In both cases, the game calls itself out on information technology.
  • Very Fake Advertising: The game plays multiple times with this trope in regards to several games.
    • Serious Moonlight: The game was marketed as a modern century RPG, and while that was initially the intention, executive meddling and creative differences forced the game to be cancelled, causing Juvenile to instead create a sequel to Shadows of the Damned.
    • Killer Marathon: The game was marketed as a future action game that pits criminals into a globe trotting murder sport for entertainment. The dominate, Silver Face, reveals that the game is actually a Pinball game; pointing out that the game's traps, layout and obstacles were a dead giveaway. Argent Face also isn't an actual murderer considering his game doesn't involve murdering, he himself admitting to existence squeamish.
  • Videogame Caring Potential: If you lot cull to rescue Jeane every time she wanders off into the Death Drive, you'll be rewarded with a special Skill Chip that grants temporary invisibility.
  • Visual Pun: The fact that this game'due south trailer is about Travis and Bad Human being fighting in a literal trailer.
  • Wham Episode: Serious Moonlight. The game is revealed to be a sequel to Shadows of the Damned where Garcia is seemingly killed and Johnson takes his place every bit Viii Hearts, the sequel's primary protagonist. Cue the game's true title: Damned: Dark Knight .
    • The 'Twenty-four hours 7' patch, which reveals that Bad Man is Shigeki Birkin, a character from killer7 All In that location in the Manual content, and was given the first Death Brawl by Dan Smith, who knows who Travis is and wants him dead.
  • "X" Marks the Hero: Jeane's portrait in the visual novel-style segments has an Ten-shaped scar across her snout.
  • You Killed My Daughter: The human fighting Travis in the debut trailer is the begetter of Bad Girl, an assassinator Travis killed in the original game.
