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How to Install Hyperledger Fabric in Windows 10

Hyperledger Fabric on Windows 10

Methus Kaewsaikao

Since Hyperledger fabric heavily based on Docker and a bunch of Unix commands. It's much better to develop it on UNIX environments like Ubuntu or MacOS. On Windows 10 we have the option to enable Ubuntu subsystem by following this instruction.

Enable Developers mode

Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux in Windows Features

After we enable the subsystem we will have bash application on windows but It's still lack of some prerequisite command. On my workspace, I need to install the following command

Update apt-get

          sudo apt-get update" do? — Ask Ubuntu        


          sudo apt install curl        

Install docker CE

You will nee d to install docker CE Client in Ubuntu Subsystem and install Docker on Windows as well. But those dockers won't connect together out of the box. We need to expose the daemon to port 2375 first by right-clicking the docker icon on taskbar then click setting then check the Expose daemon box

Now our docker server will be able to connect via Windows network including Ubuntu subsystem. We need to set environment variables in Ubuntu by running

          echo "export DOCKER_HOST='tcp://'" >> ~/.bashrc        

This command will add DOCKER_HOST to the variables every time we start a new Bash. On the current bash doesn't have this variable yet so you can open the new one or run this command

          source ~/.bashrc        

Docker compose

We also need docker-compose for ease of connecting docker together

          sudo apt install docker-compose        

Install node

NodeJS Version 6 is recommended for developing an application on Fabric

          sudo bash -c "cat >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list" <<EOL
deb xenial main
deb-src xenial main
curl -s | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt update sudo apt install nodejs sudo apt install npm

Docker compose has a problem with mounting volume from Windows to Docker. There is a workaround by mounting /mnt/c to /c

          sudo mkdir /c
sudo mount --bind /mnt/c /c

Then we create our workspace under /c

          mkdir /c/workspace && cd /c/workspace        

We should share Drive C to docker as well

Verify that everything is valid by running

          docker run — rm -v c:/:/data alpine ls /data        

You should see a list of files in Drive C

If not you might need to do these steps

Disabling filewall

Turn on file sharing

Add share permission to Users by right click on Drive C and enter the Permission for C setting then add Users to share permission and make sure you have checked all permissions

If you see errors like this you need to restart docker server

          ERROR: for xxx Cannot start service driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint xxx (6877371c7c8995590b96266d224f3fcc7e6cddf449441d4e5ac4b970c97c993a): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error        

Install Hyperledger Fabric

We will install docker images and crypto tools using this command

          curl            -sSL            |            bash            -s 1.1.0-previe        

Test by Hyperledger fabric samples

Now we will clone a sample project from Hyperledger to confirm that our environment is ready for development

          cd /c/workspace && git clone && cd fabric-samples/first-network        

now we will generate crypto artifacts

          ./byfn -m generate        

It will consume our crypto-config.yaml and configtx.yaml and create files that need for the network not it's time to bring the network up

          ./byfn -m up        

It will bring up peers, ordering service and Cli. The Cli container will run a script file that tests everything on the network from creating a channel, connecting channel, install chaincode, instantiate chaincode, query and invoke the chaincode. If everything went fine you will see this END screen which means you are ready to work with Fabric on your Windows 10

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How to Install Hyperledger Fabric in Windows 10
